written resources
Welcome to the Written Resource section of our Grower Resources.
People who join OWNZ get access to a bunch more online resources as well, including the top how-to articles from our member magazine over the past 10+ years.
Undervine Weed Management
A practical guide to effective weed control in organic vineyards
There are now numerous options for successful organic undervine weed management. This manual aims to help growers:
understand the options for organic undervine weed management
decide which options may be right for your vineyard
understand the practical ‘how-to’ of weed management
understand potential issues that may arise, and how to address them.
Vineyard Cover Cropping
A guide to planning and managing midrow cover crops in New Zealand vineyards
Midrow cover crops can be an important tool for improving vineyard health. This guide explains:
goals of vineyard cover cropping
considerations for crop selection and planning
field operations and equipment
detailed species lists suitable for a range of New Zealand

The Organic Focus Vineyard Project
Experiences converting to organic management
New organic growers often ask:
What are the steps to convert a vineyard to organic production?
How do I manage weeds, pests and diseases organically?
How do the outcomes of organic production stack up against conventional growing methods?
What does it cost to grow organically?
Organic Winegrowers New Zealand created the Organic Focus Vineyard Project to offer some answers. For three years, this project followed three vineyards in different regions as they went through the organic conversion process. The project tracked yields, costs, pest and disease levels, management insights, soil health, grape and wine quality and more. Funding came from the MPI Sustainable Farming Fund and New Zealand Winegrowers.
Read more vineyard management details on the project website
Want to learn more?
All growers, winemakers and other interested parties are welcome to join Organic Winegrowers New Zealand, regardless of your current organic status. Members receive our emails and Organic Matters magazine, and gain access to an online catalogue of our most enduring resources on organic growing, including member magazine articles and conference presentations from leaders in New Zealand organic viticulture.